Here is the second article of this good bad ugly series. This series is about my personal experiences and learning within the last month. This article helps me to figure out my strength and weaknesses.
I will divide it into three categories Good, Bad and Ugly. Good things are going very well and these things need to be appreciated. Bad things are the points that need more attention to get into the good category. And Ugly things that I never want to repeat. I am in 3rd year in my college and a lot of things are going on around me.
The Good
I have completed 250 questions in Leetcode and I also want to say I am going very well in DSA. Currently, I am solving Tree questions I am feeling a little difficult but I am doing good.
In this whole month, I have successfully performed all the self-declared tasks.
I also give an interview to a company for a Frontend Development Intern. It was a nice feeling for me. I am selected or not for this position this result will be declared soon.
I am learning javascript very hard I am trying to master my command in javascript.
The Bad
Prioritizing work is still a difficult task for me. I am thinking of a lot of work to do but can't start all at a time because I don't want to cut the current time allocation of the current tasks.
I am struggling to make a balance between my college studies and my technical skills. I am in 3rd year of my Btech and I have Microprocessor, Data mining and Machine learning type great subjects but coding and studying for the college syllabus is difficult for me. I am still finding a way to be good at both.
The Ugly
- I felt that I was feeling very difficult when giving the interviews. And because of this nervousness, I make mistakes.
Here is a small newsletter about my experience this month. I am frequently trying to get things in the right direction.
Thank you for reading Like if you are having the same things in your life.๐