Day 43: E-commerce project with Python

Day 43: E-commerce project with Python


2 min read

Today, on the forty-third day of our Python learning journey, we're diving back into our e-commerce project. I'm excited to share that I've completed the remaining APIs for the cart feature, bringing us one step closer to a fully functional system.

Task done by today:

  1. Bulk API: This API is to get products by IDs and these IDs we are providing in params.

     async def getBulkProducts(ids: str = Query(...)):
             ids_list = ids.split(',')
             products = []
             for id in ids_list:
                 product = await get_product_collection().find_one({"id": int(id)})
                 if product:
             return products;
             print('An exception occurred')
  2. Cart APi: we have two APIs for the cart first one is to create and update the cart and the second is to get a cart.

    To create cart:"/carts")
     async def saveCart(request: Request, new_cart: Cart_Type):
         if "Authorization" not in request.headers:
             raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized")
         token = request.headers["Authorization"]
         print("data: ", dict(
             payload = dict(verify_token(token))
             user_email = payload.get("email")
             collection = get_cart_collection()
             # Check if cart already exists for the user
             existing_cart = await collection.find_one({"user_email": user_email})
             if existing_cart:
                 # Update existing cart
                 await collection.update_one({"user_email": user_email}, {"$set": {"cart": json.dumps(}})
                 # Create new cart
                 cart_data = {
                     "user_email": user_email,
                     "cart": json.dumps(
                 await collection.insert_one(cart_data)
             return {"message": "Cart updated successfully"}
         except Exception as e:
             raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid token")

    For getting the cart:

     @cart_router.get("/carts", response_model=List[Cart_Response])
     async def getCart(request: Request):
         if "Authorization" not in request.headers:
             raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized")
         token = request.headers["Authorization"]
             payload = dict(verify_token(token))
             user_email = payload.get("email")
             collection = get_cart_collection()
             product_collection = get_product_collection()
             # Check if cart already exists for the user
             existing_cart = await collection.find_one({"user_email": user_email})
             products = []
             if existing_cart:
                 # Update existing cart
                 cart_str = existing_cart.get("cart")
                 cart_obj = json.loads(cart_str)
                 ids = list(cart_obj.keys())
                 for id in ids:
                     product = await product_collection.find_one({"id": int(id)})
                     product_object = { "product": product, "quantity": cart_obj[id] }
             return products
         except Exception as e:
             raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="something went wrong")

In upcoming blogs, we'll optimize these APIs according to best practices, ensuring they are efficient and follow industry standards for robustness and scalability in our e-commerce project.

Project Link:

Thank you๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
