React and TypeScript: Supercharging Your Development Workflow

React and TypeScript: Supercharging Your Development Workflow

Mastering Type Safety and Advanced Tooling for Seamless React Development

In this blog, we explore the crucial role of TypeScript in ReactJS development. By incorporating TypeScript, we can unlock the full potential of this elegant library and enhance its capabilities. TypeScript offers a valuable layer of safety during the compilation phase, enabling us to detect errors ahead of time. Unlike JavaScript, TypeScript empowers us with the ability to catch potential issues early on. Join us on a deep dive into TypeScript, where we unveil its immense power and demonstrate how it can optimize your React development workflow.

What is Typescript?

Typescript is a programming language that helps us to write programming logic. When we are talking about frontend developing programming languages then the first thing is coming to our mind is javascript. Javascript is a primarily used programming language for web development. But there is an issue of error like we can't get any error in compile time. we need to run the code and then the errors will appear. so this is not a very good thing. we need to get errors at compile time. Then the typescript comes into the picture. it helps to get an error in compile time.

Features of typescript

  • Type Checking: Typescript checks every single variable or return type of a function types of props etc. It ensures the type will remain the same from declaration to end of the code else it will throw an error.

      let name:string = "Himanshu";

    In the above statement, we have declared a variable called a name and defined its type as a string.

  • Return and props types: Typescript also ensures the type of function parameter and its return type of it. It will throw an error if we break any rule.

    example: If we declare a function parameter number then we can't pass string or any datatype to it.

      function test(num:number):number{
          return num * num;

    here is the above code snippet I have created a function called test it takes a number in input and returns the square of it.

  • Generics: According to Google it is parameterized type. we can pass the type from outside of the function or a class. we can modify the typing from outside of the function.

    example: useState in ReactJS we can use the generics the declare the type of state variable.

      const [data , setData] = useState<dataType>();

    Generics is not a typescript thing we have used this thing in many other languages like Java.

      ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();.

    here is the same working of generics we are assigning the Integer type to Arraylist so we can create an Integer list.

If you want to test these features there is a playground to play with typescript code. Playground Link

Note: Browser can understand the javascript only so we need to transpile the typescript code to javascript.

Some Examples of type operator

  • typeof operator: It is used to get the type of an object very easily. It returns a type of given object.

      const data = { name : "Himanshu" , roll_no : 12354 , marks : [] };
      type DataType = typeof data; // { name : string , roll_no : number : marks : Mark[] }
  • keyof operator: It is used to return the type of an object key.

      const data = { name : "Himanshu" , roll_no : 12354 , marks : [] };;
      type P = typeof data
      type T  = keyof P


Typescript can increase your code quality and it can make it easy your life to find bugs and fix them.

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